ArtBag specializes in several different women’s bags. This company, led by manager Zane Lase-Lasmane, is a product of both emerging trends and the consumers’ need for self-expression. They use quality materials in the production of their custom handbags and highly value design, uniqueness and freedom of choice.
Since ArtBag is offline, customers should look at alternatives like Zazzle or other custom handbags shops.
The site has ready-to-order bags and custom-made bags available in a wide range of styles. For RTW bags, there are shoulder bags, clutches, wristlets, totes and also bags for men. They have very stylish custom bags too. The selection includes classic silhouette bags and even trendy ones like bowlers, bicycle bags and carry-alls.
The prices for the smaller bags (wristlets and clutches) start at around 40 euros and bigger totes are around 150 euros. The textiles and fabrics used in all of their bags have been tested for durability, strength and waterproof performance. The bags are also suitable for any kind of weather condition so they can be worn all year round.
Their ‘Design Your Own Bag’ page is equipped with a very straightforward and easy to follow animated tutorial. The layout of the page, although quite simple, is very efficient and appealing. There is a 3D image of the bag you are designing, which gets updated with each click you make. This is a still image though, and cannot be zoomed or rotated. Fabrics and leather options are displayed along with a brief description of its make, texture and even recommended combinations. You can pretty much design every part of the bag with different colors and layers of the textiles and leather. Additional accessories can also be integrated in the design. The 4-step process is finished with options to save, share and advice from designer’s regarding your bag’s design.
ArtBag delivers worldwide and shipping takes approximately 3-7 working days. They have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and you can ask for a full refund if you are not completely satisfied with the product that you received.
The ArtBag site features several stylish bags and there is also great freedom in the design process. We also like the sophisticated yet simple design center, which makes the whole design experience very trouble-free. The prices can still be lowered but because of the style quality and the rewarding design center, we find it reasonable and the products very worthy.